No sooner are we released from the grips of a global pandemic, as a country, we then walk into a cost-of-living and energy crisis! There is no doubt that Retail and Hospitality have borne the brunt of the last couple of tumultuous years, and forecasts suggest that the next 12 months will be no different. There is no doubt that consumer behaviour will change again, with customers looking for bargains, and making their money stretch further. It is down to retailers to react to this, as only good retailers can and look closer at their Supply Chain Stock Accuracy.

There is no doubt that most retailers are trying to find a way to boost sales and reduce the impact of a leaner year because of economic uncertainty and right now the answer must be “Christmas”!

Consumers have always tended to trade up over the festive period, and it will be interesting to see if that behaviour remains true this year. It is the uncertainty of what may happen that demands careful planning and precise execution.

It is more important than ever to put the customer at the heart of your supply chain, the Internet high street is growing, and it is far bigger than traditional “bricks and mortar” shops, offering far more choice at the touch of a button. It therefore stands to reason that your supply chain stock accuracy is key to driving delivery accuracy, and delivery accuracy is key to driving customer satisfaction.

The January sales period will now be more important than ever and at Orridge, we have the expertise and the resource to make sure that your supply chain is geared up for what will be one of the most unpredictable seasons we have ever faced, whether that be online or in-store. You cannot afford customer dissatisfaction.

If accuracy in the supply chain is something that would be of value to you to discuss in more detail then please give us a call or drop us a line.

(Image – ron-dauphin-PP6I-8d0jg0-unsplash)